F,E with a squeal of scales
Practice, practice, practice
Frustrated mind
Heavy tick of metronome
Spotlight’s fog embraces
Warming fingertips.
A virtuoso on stage
Raised chin, charcoal chin rests beneath
Bow rising and falling like
Applause from rows and rows of dollhouse figures
Corelli whirling from violin.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven chimes,
Clock’s baron conducts city symphony
French horn of honking cars
Trumpet of taxis
Euphonium of bus engines.
Dog’s feet click clack on sidewalk
Echoing through shaded pencil city.
Drawn to window,
She accompanies the concert
Pizza man scurries like a mouse,
Zebra lined buildings form a crossword puzzle.
She searches
Emptied squares.
Streetlights show one remaining
Waiting silhouette,
Broom’s straw waving
Words skipping across alley
“Bravo, encore!”
One audience member
Lifts whole girl.
Ellie Goldberg is a high school senior from Maryland. When she's not daydreaming from the car window on road trips, she's playing soccer on the field. She has kept a journal for her writing since age two and has had her poetry published in literary magazines.