It’s a sad world Where the broken teeth and blood in my mouth, Eyes mottled purple-blue, Are no excuse, and I’m small minded For turning your hand down— Extended with friendship— Knuckled painted to hide where Flesh broke while they broke flesh
It’s a sad world Where the jesters sit on their thrones— Bells and confetti robes— Laughing while the kings and queens Fight to regain what is their own, Their glimmering, glorious, fake gold Who are the fools here?
It’s a sad world Where he adorns his selfishness In the finest threads— Faux selflessness— And feeds the poor Bread poisoned with his ego
It’s a sad world where she prepared to work, Struggled to earn, and died alone, Where demanding her rights made her a difficult person, Hard to work with, And her art was useless, And advancement trampled her underfoot For the greater good
It’s a sad world
Rumaisa Maryam Samir is a sixteen-year-old poet based in Karachi, Pakistan. She spends her days writing poetry and coming up with ideas for novels that she never gets around to penning down. Find more of her poetry on @wo.ven¬_wo.rds on Instagram!