we ate 7/11 hotdogs together
the first day we met
sprinting back down the street
stuffing them into our mouths
laughing and praying we wouldn’t be late
a few days later
we sat at a plastic table
in the food court two doors down
eating orange chicken
and talking about school
when it was nice out
we sat in the park
with burrito bowls from boloco
that had too many tomatoes for my taste
we watched the rain drip off the trees above us
and the bark dug into my skin
but I didn’t mind
out last day together we played apples to apples
made jokes at adam sandler’s expense
carried animal crackers and fruit snacks in paper bowls
taking as many as we could back to our room
before it was time to leave
we packed up our notebooks
made the journey down the winding staircase
next to the elevator that had stopped working
probably before we were born
we stepped into the sunshine
and never spoke again
Mackenzie Morong is a high school student in Massachusetts. She likes playing soccer, skiing, and baking, when she’s not reading. Fiction is her favorite genre, especially fantasy or sci-fi. She is part of the Literary Magazine at her school, and has received silver keys from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.